Got stuck in a Congo for 2 Days, Sierra, Switzerland …. it happens ….

Not many cyclists in the world can say I cycled to an Irish festival in Switzerland on the motorway and got stuck in a Congo for 2 days…

I’m one that is.

Twas my first motorway oopsie … I managed 20k which ended in the police, blue lights and sirens arriving. Apparently there had been call after call about a girl on a bicycle cycling down the Autoroute ….

I didn’t get fined …. one of the policemen was off to Edinburgh next month for a holiday…

For the next 20k after being put on the cycle lane (which runs alongside the motorway) I toyed with the idea of cycling back on the Autoroute to get the policeman’s number as he was extremely likeable….

So after my criminal activities on the motorway I thought I might as well continue and I sneaked onto a camp site to enjoy a shower! After which I was looking for a spot to wild camp for a night & came across an Irish Festival with FREE CAMPING!

Lots of half naked men in kilts – is that Irish??? I’m seriously not complaining though ….

So glad I had my criminal shower today or I don’t think people would be talking to me right now. Surrounded by happy, nutty, smiley people and the bagpipes!

On the end of the festival all were returning to their families and partners whilst I was cycling off on my own All of a sudden I was feeling quite alone.

So I made lots of calls to my friends back home in complete denial that Switzerland maybe wasn’t included in my mobile phone roaming minutes …. 

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